23 Feb 2025


ASUS A40JR, A52F, A52JE, B50A, F50Gx, F52A, F52Q, F6A, F6V, F82Q, F8Vr, G50V, G50Vt, G50Vt-2D, G60Jx, G71V, G73JH, K40IL, K40Ij, K42F, K42Jr, K50IL, K50Ij, K52F, K52JE, K52JR, K60IJ, K60IL, K62F, K62JR, K72F, K72JK, K72Jr, M50Vc, M50Vn, M51Vr, M60J, M70Vn Win7 Driver

Company: ASUS
Model: A40JR, A52F, A52JE, B50A, F50Gx, F52A, F52Q, F6A, F6V, F82Q, F8Vr, G50V, G50Vt, G50Vt-2D, G60Jx, G71V, G73JH, K40IL, K40Ij, K42F, K42Jr, K50IL, K50Ij, K52F, K52JE, K52JR, K60IJ, K60IL, K62F, K62JR, K72F, K72JK, K72Jr, M50Vc, M50Vn, M51Vr, M60J, M70Vn
Operating System: Windows 7 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: IMSM_WIN7_32_8921002.zip


ASUS A40JR, A52F, A52JE, B50A, F50Gx, F52A, F52Q, F6A, F6V, F82Q, F8Vr, G50V, G50Vt, G50Vt-2D, G60Jx, G71V, G73JH, K40IL, K40Ij, K42F, K42Jr, K50IL, K50Ij, K52F, K52JE, K52JR, K60IJ, K60IL, K62F, K62JR, K72F, K72JK, K72Jr, M50Vc, M50Vn, M51Vr, M60J, M70Vn Driver. Intel Matrix Storage Manager Driver
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 8626 08-19-09 08:28 iaahci.cat 8773 08-07-09 06:11 iaAHCI.inf 7921 08-19-09 14:49 iastor.cat 7629 08-07-09 06:11 iaStor.inf 330264 08-07-09 06:17 IaStor.sys 4904 07-26-06 12:06 license.txt 5526 08-07-09 06:11 TXTSETUP.OEM 615 06-19-09 21:35 2KSETUP.INI 305720 06-08-09 18:18 PNPINST.exe -------- ---- 679978 9 files

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