22 Jan 2025


Lanier LD140, LD140G, LD150, LD150G Win7 Driver

Company: Lanier
Model: LD140, LD140G, LD150, LD150G
Operating System: Windows 7 x64 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: z40519fr.exe


Lanier LD140, LD140G, LD150, LD150G Driver. Language: French

PostScript3 Driver File

File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 25545 08-06-09 21:48 disk1/e148pp64.dl_ 126608 09-08-09 12:41 disk1/e148pshl.ch_ 111041 09-15-09 17:11 disk1/e148re64.dl_ 586411 09-15-09 17:11 disk1/e148ui64.dl_ 35815 07-22-02 05:28 disk1/LANGSDEF.INI 3071 10-13-09 16:26 disk1/LANSETUP.inf 3620 01-04-08 11:51 disk1/license.txt 17092 10-26-09 06:57 disk1/ln1481e3.cat 70 10-13-09 16:26 disk1/LN1481E3.ini 15042 09-30-09 14:59 disk1/ln1481e3.mo_ 104842 10-13-09 16:21 disk1/LN1481E3.PPD 4116 09-30-09 13:00 disk1/LN1481E3.xml 70 10-13-09 16:26 disk1/LN1482E3.ini 15042 09-30-09 14:59 disk1/ln1482e3.mo_ 104842 10-13-09 16:21 disk1/LN1482E3.PPD 34182 01-13-09 06:02 disk1/mfricr64.dl_ 329508 09-05-07 11:22 disk1/mp500d64.dl_ 422043 05-22-07 06:33 disk1/ps5ui.dl_ 12511 03-19-08 19:21 disk1/pscript.hl_ 625885 05-22-07 06:33 disk1/pscript.nt_ 362018 05-22-07 06:33 disk1/pscript5.dl_ 760828 05-22-07 06:33 disk1/pscrptfe.nt_ 1684 05-22-07 06:33 disk1/ps_schm.gd_ 163703 05-26-09 07:24 disk1/rc4man64.dl_ 16036 01-04-08 11:48 disk1/rc4mon64.dl_ 13280 11-13-08 12:04 disk1/Readme2.txt 1310 12-10-02 10:23 disk1/Res/PSDI_CES.IRC 1285 12-10-02 12:39 disk1/Res/PSDI_DAN.IRC 1412 12-10-02 12:39 disk1/Res/PSDI_DEU.IRC 1183 12-10-02 08:34 disk1/Res/PSDI_ENG.IRC 1345 02-26-04 11:34 disk1/Res/PSDI_ESP.IRC 1392 12-10-02 12:39 disk1/Res/PSDI_FRA.IRC 1397 02-26-04 11:34 disk1/Res/PSDI_ITA.IRC 1177 12-10-02 08:34 disk1/Res/PSDI_JPN.IRC 1194 12-10-02 10:01 disk1/Res/PSDI_KOR.IRC 1418 12-10-02 10:23 disk1/Res/PSDI_MAG.IRC 1306 12-10-02 12:39 disk1/Res/PSDI_NED.IRC 1275 02-26-04 11:34 disk1/Res/PSDI_NOR.IRC 1317 12-10-02 10:23 disk1/Res/PSDI_POL.IRC 1328 12-10-02 12:39 disk1/Res/PSDI_POR.IRC 1287 12-10-02 18:46 disk1/Res/PSDI_RUS.IRC 977 12-10-02 10:31 disk1/Res/PSDI_SCH.IRC 1299 12-10-02 12:40 disk1/Res/PSDI_SUO.IRC 1263 12-10-02 12:39 disk1/Res/PSDI_SVE.IRC 989 12-10-02 10:10 disk1/Res/PSDI_TCH.IRC 29362 01-04-08 11:48 disk1/ricdb64.dl_ 276344 02-10-09 05:11 disk1/setup.exe -------- ---- 4224765 47 files

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